Find out more about our team at 24hr
Urgent Doc

Here at 24hr Urgent Doc we collaborate with doctors, Nurse Practitioners, health care office managers, medical assistants, IT technicians and engineer. We work closely to provide our patients with care and convenience they need at an affordable price.

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What we offer

Here at 24hr Urgent Doc our goal is to ensure that our patients receive quality care at a fraction of the cost of office visit with board-certified practitioners.

Who is 24hr Urgent Doc

24hr Urgent Doc is a telehealth platform based in Texas. We provide treatment and care for patients from the comfort of their homes with audio/video or other state approved forms of telehealth communication. We are committed to extending the option of allowing our patients to take control of their health through virtual care.

Our team is comprised of dedicated healthcare practitioners, IT technicians, and medical staff. Together we form a team that brings you comprehensive care for most common medical conditions.


Our Vision and Core Values

At 24hr Urgent Doc, our vision is to transform the way you think of primary care.

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Team work